When Crazy meets Reason

You meet them sometimes. The crazy ones. The ones that that seem to you more alive than you have ever been on a frenzied day. They know exactly what to do with their lives. Fired up with a love for something, someone, and they are tireless, and full. As though propelled by life itself. And that thing that consumes them has taken root so deeply that they have built their lives around it.


Suit Yourself

A few weeks ago I had to explain myself at the dinner table.  Someone had exclaimed how I’ve managed to throw away potential and a promising career, to settle for housewife in the boondocks.  Imagine where I could be, had I held on at the country’s most prestigious law firm.  But having no propensity for […]

I love the dark hours of my being. My mind deepens into them. There I can find, as in old letters, the days of my life, already lived, and held like a legend, and understood. Then the knowing comes: I can open to another life that's wide and timeless. -Rainer Maria Rilke