On Lawlessness and the Saint of the Gutters

Our narrative should be about awakened compassion. Rage, aggression, condemnation, or finger-pointing, this is not our story. Terror leads us to the temptation of condemning others, with yellow armies and fist-fights, with proving who is right and who is wrong. Darkness cannot cast away darkness. Hate cannot cast away hate. How can evil be the necessary path to crime free streets? We need to cease hunting and make our way searching for truth and social justice. We need to desist critiquing the absence of humanity in others, and then unearth our own capacity for empathy and compassionate action.


If I had dinner with the Presumptive President

You know how it is when the only thing on the table is bitter gourd? And you don’t eat gourd. And so you gulp it down with water, and then put on a false front, that lingering taste still in your mouth?
Well that’s how I feel about the president elect. I am without choice except to graciously accept that this is what’s on the table, and I’ll have to shove it down my throat the next 6 years. And yet, I am willing to hang around. Sit. Sometimes, it takes more than just a bite to have a taste for something.
